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Some of these experiments are designed by our own; some are modified from existing experiments designed by others; while there are also some are other's people ideas as you can see in the Internet but we do them as they are interesting!  Below you can see some of the descriptions. 


If you want to see the actual demo, do sign up for an experiment course with us.  Materials provided and not only students can learn to do the experiments but also make some of the apparatus and bring home!*  And this is not just for kids!  All ages welcome!


  • Shooting Foil (Self-designed)

Wanna see an aluminium foil shoots and 'flies' out without any contact? Nothing is used to attract it!  How can it do that?


  • Dancing Coil (The artistic part is own idea)

How about a coil of different fancy shapes that can do ballet?


  • Spinning Foil (Self-designed)

A non-magnetic material can be attracted to magnet and spins with the magnet?  Impossible!  But it is true!


  • Burning under water* (Modified but own idea)

An incense stick burning under water?  You are kidding me! You will find out!  And don't try it at home!


  • Illusion Mirrors

Want to see your fingers passing through some small objects?  Ghostly effect, but it is Science!


  • Short-sighted spectacles without lenses (Modified)

Tired of wearing your short sighted glasses?  How about something for a change?  Removing your glasses and see blur images?  This case will not!


  • Weird laser (Modified)

How to make a laser bend and behave weirdly without using a mirror or glass block/prism?  Come and find out!


  • 'Pee' Bottle Experiments (Some self-designed, some modified)

What?  Don't tell me you are using some real pee...oh sorry I mean urine?  Nah, of course not!  This is a series of experiments teaching you a few physics concepts together!  For kids, enjoy the fun.  For secondary and JC students as well as adults, refresh some of the physics concepts you have learned!


  • Spinning upright screw (Modified but layout is self-designed)

This is a modification of the usual homopolar motor which is inverted.  How to make it spin upright?


  • Shy Straw (Self-designed)

This straw is a shy one.  It moves away from you!  No contact involved!  Is it a living thing in disguise?


  • The simple paper plane

See who can make a paper plane that can fly furthest!  If not, see who can make it turn left, right, dive and nose up.  Paper plane origami here.  Not crane!  These ones can fly!


  • Moving Battery

Another living thing in disguise?  Nah, its a AA battery that you can buy from any NTUC, Daiso, mamashop etc.


  • String Conference (Modified, own idea)

Most of us own smartphones now with Internet and can even do a video conference. Do you know how phones originate?  The string phone that even a five year old kid can make?  Well, it is more than that!  It is a conference!  The string phone has its history from 17th century England.


People from all works of life, all ages are welcome to sign up. So not just for kids or teens!  If you have birthday parties, student care events, company entertainments or simply just one person passionate in sciences, we welcome you to sign up. 



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